Therapeutic Massage

By Patti Selm

Services and Rates


Please text or call to book an appointment or with questions:

Patti Selm - (828) 430-0751

Therapeutic Massage

Reduce Stress, relieve muscle tension and pain and improve circulation with an Integrative massage that combines traditional Swedish, stretching, pressure point, myofascial and relaxation techniques or simply relax deeply with a Swedush Massage.

First Massage $55 for 60 Minutes

Regular Rates:

Integrative Massage: This work is deeper and targets specific muscle tension issues.    

30 Minute Massage        $45                      

60 Minute Massage        $75                        

90 Minute Massage        $95    

Swedish Massage:  This work is more for a gentle relaxation experience using lighter pressure.

30 Minute Massage        $35

60 Minute  Massage       $65

90 Minute Massage.       $85                 

Package of three 60 Minute Massages:  

      $195 = Integrative

      $ 170 = Swedish


Look for regular specials offered throughout the year.           



Over 7200 nerve endings will be stimulated in each foot during a Foot Reflexology session. These nerve endings correspond to all parts of the body, including organs and glands.  Stimulating the appropriate region is intended to eliminate energy blockages thought to produce pain or disease in the related areas. Reflexology is used to prevent rather than cure and is used to relieve a wide variety of ailments. In a sixty minute session the hands and ears will also receive reflexology treatment.

30 Minute Reflexology session                   $30

60 Minute Reflexology session                   $55


Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (MLT)

The proper functioning of the lymphatic system is critical to our body's ability to drain stagnant fluids, detoxify, regenerate tissues, filter toxins and foreign substances, and maintain a healthy immune system. It is a complex system comprised primarily of lymph vessels and nodes working in cooperation to accomplish these tasks.

 Lymph vessels rely upon hundreds of tiny muscular units (lymphangions) contracting throughout the body to propel lymph flow. These contractions enable the lymph vessels to transport numerous substances (i.e., proteins, toxins,  hormones, fatty acids, immune cells) to lymph nodes, which can then process them. The action of these muscular units can be hindered or stopped, however, due to surgery, trauma, burns, infections, substantial swelling, fatigue, stress or age. When the lymph circulation stagnates, fluids, proteins, cells and toxins accumulate and cellular functioning is compromised. This may open the way to many physical ailments and hasten the aging process. 

Lymphatic drainage is a hands-on technique designed to attain and sustain proper functioning of the human fluid system. Manual  Lymphatic Drainage involves the use of gentle manual maneuvers to aid in the recirculation of body fluids. While the exact amount of pressure applied depends on the area and pathology involved, it usually equates to very little pressure.

 Lymph Drainage Therapy works to help recirculate body fluids,  stimulate functioning of the immune system and balance the autonomic nervous system. It is shown that when these actions are accomplished, the results may be:

> Reduction in edemas (swelling) and lymphedemas of many origins

> Relief of chronic and subacute inflammation and conditions such as acne, Eczema and allergies

> Immune system stimulation for preventative and therapeutic effects

> Regeneration of tissues (e.g., from burns and pre and post surgical scarring) and anti-aging effects

> Detoxification of the body

> Relief of chronic pain 

> Deep relaxation to aid insomnia, depression, stress, loss of vitality and loss of memory 

> Antispastic actions to relieve conditions such as voluntary or involuntary muscle hypertonus 

> Reduction in the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia 

> Alleviation of adiposis  and cellulite tissue 

> Advanced techniques for fascia, viscera and joints 

 Your first MLT session will include a $25 consultation fee.

Sessions will vary in length according to particular issue(s) being treated. Cost is $25 for each 15 minute period of treatment. 

 Please call for initial phone consultation to determine if  you are a candidate for Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (MLT) as people with certain conditions should not receive MLT. 

Please call or text for an appointment

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